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Website & Typeform Quiz UI - Student Project Fall-Spring 2023

Sponsor: Kelly Crabtree (UDIL Co-Founder & COO)

Primary Role: UX Designer (client communication & UI design)

U Do It Legal (UDIL) is a California-based service that helps provide legal information to individuals without attorney representation, specifically when it comes to domestic violence cases. This aims to inform and guide self-representing litigants while also providing resources from the state of California and information about their sister company, Stearns & Ryan, Lawyers.



U Do It Legal is preparing to launch as a service and needs a website that reflects its goal of helping individuals with limited knowledge of the legal system and legal terminology. With this project, we designed pages based on previous iterations, user feedback, and advising from our client, Kelly Crabtree.

Below are some of the main website page designs for U Do It Legal's site going forward.

Website Main Pages



The homepage is the most important design we created as it will be the introduction that most clients have to the service being offered. For this design, we utilized space and images to separate the blocks of text that provide general information about U Do It Legal. We also paid special attention to the branding guidelines of the company with a strong focus on both the lower case text as well as the brand's main colors (white, grey, and blue).

This page includes the introductory process for users to get started, the resources the site provides and how they can help, an eligibility quiz, and finally the services themselves and reviews of the service.


Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO) Case Information Page


The DVRO Page is an overview for the different case types that U Do It Legal deals with in relation to Domestic Violence Restraining Orders. These are some of the more common case types that UDIL's parent company's lawyers are involved in, which gives the company the knowledge and experience that users will need to learn about. In designing these pages, we wanted to make sure the different case types had enough of a contrast between each other to help users better identify the situations they might be a part of.

This page includes general information about DVROs, common DVRO case types that UDIL has experience with, a link to an eligibility quiz for this type of situation, and the packages offered by U Do It Legal.


Domestic Violence Resources & Video Guides Pages

Both of these pages are included because I made a lot of contributions to the designs. This includes the visuals and differentiation between the UDIL website and social media links, boxes around individual information to adhere to the site's theme, and the implementation of the video guide feature.

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UDIL K8 contribution1.png

Design Process

I have included the image below just to show the amount of variations I created for certain elements to give our client multiple design options and how they look as a whole with other information and visuals on the page. These choices were made while staying in contact with Kelly Crabtree so I was able to change elements to her preferences so we were able to compare them.

Below are some variations of grey and white visualizations of page spections and the case type cards as well as placements for the legal resources card.

UDIL Differentiation (2).png
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